Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Pet Peeves

I have a pet peeve that I'm sure you can appreciate.

Take out food service companies that have a tip option at the cash register on their debit/credit machine

First off - I just walked into your establishment, looked at a menu, walked to the counter and told you my order. Why do you deserve a tip for a) not helping me pick out my order and b) only writing it down or keying it in for someone else to prepare?

Secondly - I haven't even tried the food. Why should I tip? It could be nasty and the most disgusting thing I've ever had. What if I get food poisoning from you?

I've paid good money for my food that I have in my hand. I drove my own ass there and picked out my order from your lovely signs or menus. What type of wonderful service did you give me that made you deserve the tip?

Another pet peeve I have is also food related.

Companies that automatically put the tip on the bill before it's even given to you.

Sure you've brought me food, made sure I had drinks and that everything was okay. But don't you think I should have the right to decide how much of a tip I should give you? What if your service was crappy?

I know the only reason they do this is for those gullible people that don't actually read their bill and just pay and add a tip. I almost got caught on this a few times and am really glad that I did a double check and stopped myself. Makes you wonder how many companies get away with that crap!

It's a different story if you walk in and they say "A 15% gratuity will be added to your bill" but if you don't know this going in - you might be in for a surprise.

Here's a word to the wise - pay extra attention next time you are making a payment somewhere - you might be paying more than you should.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

And thar she blows - the neighbours are moving

Our next door neighbours are moving out. They pulled up a moving truck this morning and have been filling it up. I can't even begin to tell you how weird it feels.

These neighbours have been really nice in cutting the grass at the front. The dad or granddad is retired and really likes doing stuff. He doesn't know what he's doing but he tries and has a good heart. And by not knowing what he's doing - I am talking about the time he went to use a product on the lawn to get rid of the dandelions only to burn the lawn in about 20 places due to the chemicals he used.

They are always around out on the front porch watching the world go by so you know that they will tell you if someone stopped by when you aren't home, and if your dog got away and you never noticed. It's been a blessing, and at times a bit of a curse.

Must say it's a little challenging when you have someone there all the time. You have to watch your tongue, and be prepared to brush them off or get drawn into a long conversation about anything or anything. The parents that own the house are really nice. Always have a pleasant word for us, even if it is a few words more than we'd like to have. Their adult daughter is a bit more reclusive. She kind of just looks at you but doesn't really try and engage you. Her husband is nice though and their kids are pretty cute. Their 2 year old always wants to say Hi and really likes when you talk back to him. Poor kids had issues with allergies the entire time we've been neighbours. Wonder if he's allergic to smoking?

That's the main issue with these neighbours. They are really nice and they haven't been that bad at all, but the smoking constantly of four adults on the front porch make it virtually impossible to be able to truly enjoy your own front porch. Just once I'd love for them to mix it up and use the back yard.

Too late now. As of tomorrow morning the truck will be completely full and they'll be off to Milton.

The strangest thing though - they haven't put the house up for sale yet. They want to move out before so that it can look it's best and be ready all the time. I guess they don't want to advertise how crowded it can be with 5 adults and two children under 2 living there.

We have the same townhouse as them only the opposite layout. We've never been inside their place, and they've never been inside ours. One good thing about them moving out is that we might be able to go through an open house to see what it looks like. They have the same layout as us but with all the bathrooms installed. We might get an idea if it'd be worth it to do it to our house.

Another good thing is that we will get new neighbours. I wonder what they'll be like. Will they be a young couple like us? A family? Will they like dogs? Cats? Are they going to be throwing parties all the time? Will they be nice or reclusive?

I'll miss the whole brood from next door but it'll be nice to shake things up in our neighbourhood!

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Mmmm.... I love cookies!

Last year some friends and I started a tradition that I hope continues - a cookie exchange for the holidays. Everyone knows that the holidays are a time for people to get together, pop in unannounced and eat whatever you want. WE ALL KNOW THAT CALORIES DON'T COUNT IN DECEMBER.

Last year I chose to make my families age old traditional cookie - which really isn't a Christmas cookie per se, but we always made them around the holiday time. My mother would end up making at least two runs of them, as my brother has a tendency to eat as many as humanly possible as soon as his eyes see them or his nose smells them.

Today I've decided to share with you, my blog readers, this delicious recipe so that you may try and enjoy some of my families tastiest goodness. Warning - if you don't like the taste of coconut or chocolate, you may want to avoid this one.

In a pot combine:
6 tbsp. Cocoa
½ Cup milk
½ cup Margarine
2 cups Sugar

Bring to a boil
Add ingredients from the pot above to the ingredients listed below: (I mixed these ingredients first in a mixing bowl and mixed in the ingredients on top - but you can do whatever floats your boat)

1 tsp vanilladash salt
1 cup coconut
3 cups rolled oats

Drop by spoonful on an ungreased cookie sheet, however waxed paper also does the trick. Place in fridge to set.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

It's the thought that counts

I realized something today about Christmas and why I'm going to really enjoy it this year.
In the past I've always looked at gifts in terms of money. I think I got it from my mother. Having 7 neices and nephews I've always tried to spend an equal amount on them. If I spent $40 on one, I'd spend $40 on the next. Even if what I got them was on sale, I still wanted to make sure that none of them felt they got the shaft.

This year we started shopping early and I didn't really hang onto receipts. It made it really easy to forget all about the money on each person. With having to entertain for various functions I've had to hide things away for fear someone would stumble upon the gifts. When I brought out and sorted everything I actually found that I had a really good grouping going. I was actually all done shopping for four people on my list!

Astounded, I quickly realized who else I had to buy for. The nieces and nephews, one thing for my mother and father and then my husband. I felt like I was already half way there!

It felt so good to be able to reach a point where I was on solid ground. This year's been tough, money's been tight and I really didn't want to have anyone feel they got the shaft. But looking across the bed at the piles of presents I knew that no one was going to be left out. Everyone would get some great gifts. Our months of careful shopping and planning will make for a great Christmas!

They say it's the thought that counts and this year I completely understand it!

I used to spoil the kids - but with things being tight I wasn't sure where to start. My nephew solved it for me. The older kids wanted gift certificates, but the younger three I wasn't so sure until my sister started talking about how the kids had gotten gift certificates for their birthday. They had a blast walking around with their own money spending it on what they wanted. That was when her son spoke up and in his beautiful 8 year old mind said "I want a gift certificate because I want to pick out my own game." And that was it - settled. All the kids get gift certificates - the girls the mall and the boys EB games. So easy!

In one night, in less than a half hour I had walked the mall and had got 7 more off my list!

This just proves that the shopping can get done! You can do it!!!! Stay strong, remember the season is the thought that counts and it'll be an awesome holiday filled with love and smiles!
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