Saturday, 30 January 2010

Knit Bomb

This week I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with a friend of mine I met on Twitter named Wendy. (You can find her on twitter as @wendyhoomo) What initially interested me was that she was local and then slowly over time we've built a bit of a friendship. I find her really interesting and always come away from things she has to say with some new perspective on things.

The reason we got together this week was knitting.

I know, I know, you are thinking that knitting is only for old ladies - but I don't agree. Knitting is an art!

But what I'm coming to find is that knitting is becoming a very unique mainstream passion. People that knit are very passionate. And they aren't just knitting the basic scarves, mitts and touques. They are starting to cover any available surface with brightly coloured yarn. They are creating gorgeous masterpieces for the world to enjoy. Trees are covered, statues, light standards, street signs, bridges, boat docks, buses and even tanks.

After talking with Wendy I found out about a knitting project right here in Cambridge. In June they plan on knitting the Main Street bridge. I was shocked and really excited when Wendy said "If you keep it up, maybe you can be part of that project too." I never thought I'd ever be involved in anything like that as the Guerrilla knitting they normally talk about is usually in warmer climates where they are less likely to have the yarn deteriorate due to weather. If you want to read more about the project - go here.

Back to the point, I picked up on knitting and it felt really good. Sure my hands are a little stiff and tight but I've been told that I will get a better tension as I start to relax. Wendy has told me that I have a good eye as I've started to notice when I've made a mistake or missed a stitch. What started out as casting on and a couple rows is now pretty much a square on the way to becoming a scarf.

Me. A knitter. Who knew?

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Party like it's 1983!

So I'm planning a fun party for my hubby's 30th birthday.

Yes folks - my baby is turning 30!

I'm sure you don't want to hear it, but my hubby is a couple years younger than me and for my 30th he rented a hall and got me a Cookie Monster pinata to make things awesome. Now that he's turning 30, I want to throw the kind of party he'd like.

When I asked him a few months ago he mentioned Chuck E Cheese. I believe I blogged about it here...

Anyhow - After much thought and discussion, we decided that we could throw an awesome kids party right here at home - but without the kids.

I know, I know, why cut off a huge part of the population? Well My husband wants to say a big F. U. to his youth and the best way to do it would be drinking and doing really childish things. When we sat down to make a guest list for this awesome kids party without kids, he came up with about 80 names. 80!!! Wow. So much for having as many friends as the age you are! I'm sure that we won't have that many show up, but these are the people he'd love to see.

We've narrowed down the venue to our house and I plan on having decorate your own cupcakes and giving out grab bags to the first 30 guests. We have a few fun little games too - but I'd love to get some help from the outside world. Perhaps from those of you who have kids or remember how fun it was to go to parties when you were a kid.

Do you have fun party ideas???

I'd love your help!!

Sunday, 24 January 2010

To my mother with love...

I love my mother.

Not everyone can say that but I truly can. She makes me laugh, has a way of getting right to the point when you least want her to, is incredibly supportive and protective and loves all her children each in their own way.

My mother turned 60 today and after a year of changes and upheaval in her life it seems that things are starting to look up. This past year saw her job searching; finding a job in a field she knew nothing about but where she enjoyed the challenge; somehow her job changed and eventually she ended up getting laid off; she had a massive gallbladder attack and it caused her gallbladder to rupture; she waited months, losing tons of weight in the process and getting very ill until she finally had surgery.

Not really knowing where to go, and feeling that life was getting away from who she is and where she really wanted to be, she sat back and started to look at what she really wants to do.

My Mom loves to work with people - mainly in the service sector.

For a long time though my mother focused more on making money than being happy. But when she started to look back at her favourite employment positions - she thought of McDonald's. Now I'm not talking the McDonald's with the cafe style tables, bad service, fireplaces and wifi - I'm talking the great service with a smile McDonald's of the 80's and 90's. My Mom was the breakfast manager for 15 years at a McDonald's and loved it. The job was consistent, expectations were there and training was fully provided. She was able to smile and make people smile just by doing a good job. She got to know the staff and the customers and she loved the fast pace.

With Service in mind she started to realize that the money wasn't so important. Not really wanting to go back to management as she's now in her prime, she decided to focus on what she was good at and look for a part time position working at a Tim Horton's or a McDonald's. These are things she knows - food quality, great service and cleanliness. My Mom is an amazing billboard for Q.S.C.!

Being slightly more experienced she has been passed over for younger candidates more times than she can count. For some reason many employers were more concerned that she was going to up and retire - than the fact that they'd hire a younger worker who may go on mat leave in a few months. My mother has been recognized for her attendance record - but that doesn't really enter into many employers minds.

She handed out a couple resumes at McDonald's again and at a few Tim Horton's in Cambridge only to find that they weren't really looking at this time. Either her age and experience scared them, or they really legitimately had enough staff at this time. Feeling a little discouraged, we had a heart to heart last weekend. I think it was great that she was looking for jobs in a field she enjoyed. It would get her out of the office and back behind the counter with a smile. It'd give her a purpose and she'd see the results of her hard work every day after each customer was served quickly and with a smile.

I remember that a new friend of mine made an off-hand comment a few months ago about going to the Tim Horton's out in Aberfoyle. It's not in a big city, but it is a busy location. It's just off the 401 and he told me that they are always looking for good people. Knowing that my parents live outside of Cambridge on the Aberfoyle side, I suggested for her to apply. She was interested and thought she'd give it a try. What could it hurt right?

After driving the big whopping 12 minutes (less than it would take her to get to a most of the stores in Cambridge) she found herself dropping off her resume and having a good conversation with the manager. She was told the same "We aren't really looking for those hours at this time" (day shift before 3pm) but the manager did say "I'd hire you right now if you could work all shifts as I think you'd be great." With a final parting of the manager saying "Give me your resume and application as you never know" my mother left feeling a little better about herself. If they didn't have space, they didn't have space but getting some positive feedback went a long way for her self esteem.

On the drive home she stopped at her sisters farm and they had a tea and discussed how things went. She had no idea, but she sparked something just by going there and taking my advice. By the time she got in her driveway they had already called and arranged an interview for her with my uncle who just happened to answer the phone. It seems something may have opened up after all.

She went in for the interview and by the end they hired her. She starts in two weeks and was absolutely glowing as she told us about it today at her birthday party. She talked of uniforms and her new non-slip shoes and you could see her just bubbling.

I love that she's finally followed the advice she's given all us kids for years and years - Do what you like to do. She deserves this challenge and will excel because that's who she is! She is a wonderful service machine and they will see this.

So Mom - on your 60th birthday I have to say how proud I am of you!

Thursday, 21 January 2010

The Opposite of Love

I just read a book that made me laugh. It made me cry. It made my heart rip out of my chest. It showed me hope and it showed me how to survive. It showed me that it's okay to screw up - and that you can live through it all.

I love reading first time authors. Their thoughts are so original and unique and unexpected sometimes. I find that I like to stick through it because you can feel the passion that they have for their work. They write because they want to - not because an editor is screaming down their neck waiting for the next top seller. New young authors use phrases that aren't in every other book either. This book actually had the word "clusterfuck" a word that is completely understood by generation. It's not something you hear someone my parents age say let alone understand.

The book I just finished reading The Opposite of Love by Julie Buxbaum. You can see her official website by going here.

What I really liked most about the book was that it was so relate able. I felt that I could be the lead character. She was flawed in ways that I am flawed and has made decisions that may not seem like the right ones but are the right decisions for her. I went into a career out of school that wasn't right for me and made the decision to move on and haven't really looked back.

I also kind of liked that the book came to an end, but it wasn't all perfect and fabulous like some books. You read it, and you know that life will go on and she'll muddle through, still making mistakes and you are okay with that.

I honestly feel like I just looked in on someone's life and made a friend.

The Opposite of Love.

I recommend it with two thumbs up and a pumpkin pie.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Oh baby!

Last year and this seem to be the year of the baby as many of my friends both near and far have either gotten pregnant or had babies or both. I find myself incredibly happy for them and ecstatic that they are growing their little families.

When my husband and I got married we started to get mild pressure from our families about having kids. This was to be expected and we always answered the same - that we just weren't there yet. Here we are 2 1/2 years later and we still aren't quite there yet but I keep wondering how I'd feel if we were.

Those that are having/have had babies this past year have joined in with our families to put the pressure on. It's kind of like the "Come on now, everybody is doing it" mentality. If they could do it, so could we. As they mention all the time "You are great with kids, when are you having your own?"

I love kids - really I do - but the pressure is getting almost to the point where it's really annoying and I just might snap at people. If we aren't even trying yet and the pressure is getting to me - how bad will it be when we are trying and it's not happening?

I've heard many stories about couples finally start trying and waiting years until they either gave up or finally had something happen. My very own sisters didn't have it happen right away and I know how painful it was for them to see their friends get it on the first try. I know they had fun trying, but it still was a little heartbreaking when month after month they weren't pregnant.

After hearing a friend blow up on facebook of all places to let everyone know that "NO - I AM NOT PREGNANT STOP ASKING" I've decided that it's time I stop acting like everyone else. I'm not going to ask or bother anyone anymore. You never know if you are going to strike a nerve with someone.

I'm sure we'll be ready within the next couple years, and I hope that people will leave us alone when we start trying. For now - we'll just sit back, and bask in the joy of holding babies and passing them back when they poop or puke.

Friday, 1 January 2010


New year
New times
New adventures
New passions
New excitement
New moments
New news
New travels
New dreams
New me

January 1, 2010
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