Thursday, 17 January 2008

My husband's elbows are murdering me!

Any one that has taken a good look at me in the morning hours can tell that I haven't been sleeping well lately. I look like shit!

Every morning I wake up with this tremendous pain in my back - it's almost crippling and it makes it difficult to even get off the bed. I keep looking at my back to see what it is.

I've tried flipping the bed, then I turning the mattress around. I tried to convince someone, anyone really, to get me a bedframe for Christmas just so I can get the bed off the floor and somehow make this better.

I feared heart attack, but then realized that my chest was fine, and so was the rest of me. Just what could be the culprit?

The other night I woke up with severe pain at about 4am. Okay, maybe that's considered morning - but it was still dark and I should have been sleeping. The pain was unbearable. I trudged over to the bathroom to take some sort of drugs. I opened the medicine chest and was ecstatic to make out the familiar bottle of Aleve. Aleve, for those that live in Canada and have never tried good American drugs, is like the super version of tylenol or aspirin. It's smooth and goes down fast - and works even faster. It's awesome and when we went on our honeymoon I made sure to pick up a bottle of this wonder drug. I popped one in, took a swig of water and went back to bed.

I thought it was going to get better, but the back still hurt so I lay down a little higher and with my back propped on pillows.

It was at this time that my loving, dear, cuddly husband rolled over into me for a little snuggle. It was the most painful experience!!! The way he put his arm tucked up near his chin was so cute, but looking down I could see his knife-like elbow digging into my side. It was so painful that I immediately grabbed his arm and rolled him to the other side of the bed.

Knowing that this would continue, and knowing that I needed sleep, I retreated to the livingroom where I hoped the drugs would kick in and I could sleep. It didn't work and I was pretty grumpy by the time I needed to get moving for work.

That night - I decided that I was going to try an experiment. I had told James about the elbow experience that morning. He's been worried about my back as much as I have, so anything we could do he was willing to work with me.

I slept on the couch. Normally couches aren't comfortable, but I slept all night - no pain - no waking up in the middle of it. I woke up in the morning like a new person. It was GLORIOUS. Now, I somehow have to convince him to wear elbow pads to bed and then we can sleep together all the time!

Monday, 7 January 2008

Switch Witch

I have a bit of the devil in me.

At my I have to pass down a hallway that has all these big switches to control all of the power in the building. We have a big building and there is lots of opportunity for the power to go out so there are probably about 12 of these things. Every day I pass by and I get the itch to pull on the levers one by one just to see what people would do or what would happen.

I'm like one of those kids that pushes the red button even though it says "Don't push."

Cards and stuff

Recently our thank you cards came in. Somehow - they are huge! James got a deal by ordering them as part of a Christmas Card special - even though the cards never made it before Christmas. This means that I have to get my writing hands ready. I have LOTS of cards to write. James made them look really cool and I think people will appreciate that our attention to detail went all the way to the thank you cards.

We had so much support for the wedding - and not just financially or with gifts. Our friends supported us all along the way - and even put up with ranting and raving by us, each other and our parents. I don't know how they did it.

We also want to get a wallet sized photo done up for all the cards. Other than our table cameras and the photos my dad took, these will be the first pictures printed up. If you're nice, I'll give you a sneak peak of the photo before it was retouched by James. Note: he's made it look 100 times better. Hope you like it!

Obsessed with the Hills

So I have this bad little addiction. Somehow, someway, I became addicted to the Hills. I never even saw Season one and I just happened upon it one day while surfing through channels. Now I find myself doing trivia on facebook and getting upset when I get something wrong. I'm wishing to see it again and dying to know what's next.

I know from the magazines that Heidi has left Spencer and that they aren't getting married anymore. This makes me happy because lets face it girls - the guy is a Grade A Douchebag. I mean - just look at him. The vindictive look in his eye. The sneer on his face. I always thought Heidi was better than him. Not that she's a saint or anything. She's been a real ass to her friends and totally chose him over EVERYONE ELSE. I know that I've had moments where I've neglected my friends but I would NEVER EVER start rumors about them making a sex tape!

So anyhow - Heidi and Spencer aside, I really like Lauren Conrad. She's quiet sometimes and introspective but she's so darn pretty. Now normally I'm not checking out the chicks but she's really cute. She's got this look about her that seems like she is such a nice person, a fun person and just a darn beautiful person. Just look at this picture. Isn't she hot?

I really liked when Lauren was with Brody but he's so caught up in having fun. I mean - who can blame him. He's hot. Totally freaking hot. Him and Lauren were just so perfect together - and that's the problem. A guy his age doesn't want to settle down. He wants to party and have fun and flirt. If only I were a little smaller round and a lot younger - maybe I'd let him flirt with me! There's just something about his smouldering eyes... oh boy... it's getting hot in here...

Ever since I went and got married, my husband seems to think that I need to stop watching the Hills and I need to switch to the Harris's. No matter how many times I tell him that I'm going to be a Hill forever - he thinks it's time I shake up my shows. Well that, and he thinks my addiction to fake reality tv is just really stupid. He doesn't understand that by living my life through others, my life instantly becomes more interesting.

With that said, I look forward to the return of the Hills. I'm trying not to pay attention to any spoilers or anything because I want to be surprised. There is nothing better than screaming at the tv when some douche(spencer) does something stupid (like walk out on a conversation with his fiancee).

What can I say? I must just be a teenager at heart!
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