Monday, 7 January 2008

Cards and stuff

Recently our thank you cards came in. Somehow - they are huge! James got a deal by ordering them as part of a Christmas Card special - even though the cards never made it before Christmas. This means that I have to get my writing hands ready. I have LOTS of cards to write. James made them look really cool and I think people will appreciate that our attention to detail went all the way to the thank you cards.

We had so much support for the wedding - and not just financially or with gifts. Our friends supported us all along the way - and even put up with ranting and raving by us, each other and our parents. I don't know how they did it.

We also want to get a wallet sized photo done up for all the cards. Other than our table cameras and the photos my dad took, these will be the first pictures printed up. If you're nice, I'll give you a sneak peak of the photo before it was retouched by James. Note: he's made it look 100 times better. Hope you like it!

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