Saturday, 31 May 2008

A tea party fit for a princess

I'm going to a tea party today for my neice Victoria who is turning 4. She has in the past six months become absolutely obsessed with princesses. She was before, but it was nothing until she went to Disney over March break and got made over to be Cinderella. Ever since then she goes around saying "bippity boppity boo" with hopes that she, or other people she knows, will turn into princesses.

For her birthday she decided she wanted to have a tea party - "just for girls - no boys allowed" she said. We all laughed and have been talking about it ever since. When do you get to dress fancy and wear big brimmed hats for a tea party? It's not the olden golden days where this is the norm. This party is going to be very special.

What we didn't know when she decided about the tea party, was that she didnt' want just any tea party - she wanted a princess tea party. She wants everyone to dress in costumes and come as a character of her choice. The girls with darker hair get to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast or Snow White, and the blonde girls are Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. My niece Brittanie is going to be Tinkerbell - as Victoria was running out of characters. My sister's best friend Lisa is going to come as Jasmine and I'm dying to see what she could come up with.

Yet when Victoria looked at me, she really didn't know which princess to pick. I said "Should I be a fairy godmother then?" Emphatically she said "Yes!" but then was scolded because she already had 3 of them. I took to shopping to see what or rather, who - I could be.

I found a great outfit to be Mulan or to be Lilo from Lilo and Stich - but both just didn't fit right. Finally I found two long skirts that would be great. One is brown and would be great to be an African princess. But as they havent' made a movie about that yet - or at least one that didn't involve Lions as the main characters - Victoria just wouldn't let it fly. The other skirt I found was this gorgeous silky aqua colour. the way it flows is reminiscent of water so of course I'd be a mermaid. As soon as Victoria saw the skirt she said "YOU CAN BE ARIEL!"

And so she decided - but I still may go African. Either way, it's amazing that a little princess like our Victoria is finally 4. Hard to believe that she's grown from the little cutie in this Hawaiian outfit, to a strong, confident little lady in a few short years. Man, I really do love that kid!

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

more random memory card pics from 2007

Old memory cards

I found a bunch of old pictures on a memory card that was in our coffee table. For fun, I think I'll share. These are in no particular order.

We'll start with some soccer shots...

This is a view of the awesome wood staircases and stuff from our old apartment on Main Street in Cambridge. I've also included our super awesome ba

Here's a super blurry picture from our "Luau" shower last summer at the in-law's house

James got a beautiful tuxedo tshirt from his groomsmen for our Bodacious Black and White Buck and Doe last summer. He also got a Paris Drinking Team t-shirt from some of the Paris drinking then there is James' wedding shoes. I tried to go for the Ronald McDonald feel with the picture.

For the wedding we had my little sister Bridgit and Wayne fly in from Edmonton. Best wedding gift ever!
For lack of more time, I'll leave it here, but from what you can see 2007 was a crazy year!
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