Saturday, 13 September 2008



I know, I know. Not something I talk about much.

I've always been pretty progressive, knowing that men like it a lot and that there is not a hell of a lot you can do about it. One thing I've always held onto is that it should be out in the open if you like it. No need to sneak around. There's something about sneaking around that seems almost like cheating.

In the past, I've spent time with men from different ends of the spectrum. One boy that I knew was very disgusted by the thought of it. He liked looking at tasteful pictures with some sexy bodies but clothed enough that you don't see anything. The thought of watching a video interested him, but then wasn't that into it when it was on.

Another guy I knew spent his entire life talking about it, seeking it out. He came by it honestly - his father was also addicted. I believe he would be what you call a nymphomaniac. The boy - not the dad. He used to laugh when you'd walk in the house late at night and his dad would be sitting in the dark watching the weather channel. His dad used the music from the weather network to hide the music that he was listening to moments before on the video.

Then there was a completely different guy that I knew. He was ashamed because of his little internet porn addiction. I think he felt that I would fear it dirty or be ashamed. When I walked in on him the first time he had a look of pure guilt. But I just asked what he was looking at and kept on walking towards him. We had a very honest and frank discussion about girls that he was looking at and he told me that he liked seeing the pictures and that they made him feel good. I was cool with it and told him, and let him know that it didn't have to be a secret. It was something that interested him and I understand the need to take care of yourself.

All three of these guys had different feelings and opinions on porn and sitting here tonight made me start thinking about what my thoughts and feelings are on the matter.

I personally, am not against porn. I've just made the decision not to seek it out.

I like men, and like looking at men - but frankly the male penis is not something that I need to see flaunted for the world to see. I would prefer for the shots to be tasteful and perhaps with some sort of garment, or towel or something to hide this part.

I really like brunettes, and if I had at some point to give a fantasy to my partner where I was involved with a female - she'd have to be completely hot with long brown hair. Any other fantasy chick just won't fly and I'll lose interest much faster than he will.

I do not like the idea of someone I am with looking at amateur internet porn. My reason is this - the girls that are all done up and airbrushed and everything are not real. But the amateur stuff - this could be someone that they could really meet and really be with. I do not like the idea of chatting online with someone sexually - unless that person is completely unattainable. Say your Jenna Jamison's.

I also do not want to make any videos of myself in the act... of well anything sexual. Especially now that I'm married. I have to much respect for my husband to be wanting to have anything like that hanging around - even if he is the main star in the show. We're planning on kids someday and I don't want anything like that falling into the wrong hands.

Porn shouldn't be a secret between two people that care about each other. If you like it, you like it. No need to lie. The only time it will ever be a problem is if the time spent with the pictures or movies is preventing me from having a good time too - or if the person they are looking at becomes too real.

And that ladies and gentleman - is what I think about porn.

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