Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Houses... again... geesh do I think about anything else?

James and I had an appointment today with a real estate agent. He's the husband to the wife that we really liked when we first started looking. He asked a bunch of questions, gave us a feel for what we'd be doing together and told us that he'd ease us through things and let us take our time. He doesn't care as long as we get the house we want. He did say how funny it was that most first time home buyers say they want one thing but end up with something completely different.

But anyone that knows me and James knows that we can be quite stubborn! I don't think we'll give up on the big kitchen or the area of town we are looking (Hespeler and Preston.)

I've been catching up on Property Virgins online. And it got me all excited and really looking forward to buying. I was almost at the point that I thought I could convince James - but there's just one little elephant in the room that we aren't talking about and that is job security.

Last year around this time I found out that my job was being dissolved and that they were restructuring the Canadian division. You hear it all the time lately how Canadian divisions are being closed and they are streamlining processes. Well the company I was working for really did me a favour. I was miserable there. Great people, okay products, but a really crappy job with lots of hours. I took the opportunity to try something new.

Well something came up with in a different field but it was a maternity leave contract. The timing was perfect, a new opportunity sounded exactly like something I wanted to try and it allowed me to build on skills that I already had. I took the job and all along was told that I"m a good hard worker and that they'd be a fool to let me go. Even the cleaning lady told me that I should be staying on and that they should create something. I really like the people and there have been hints and rumors that something might be coming up - either in a different department or a shift in my department so that I could stay. My hopes were up - but I had no idea what way it would go.

Today I finally had a frank discussion with my boss - I was meeting with a real estate agent - is my job really secure or not? I just wanted an answer is it Likely or Not Likely that I will still have a job come December. Sadly I was told that she has given several proposals to the CEO and things aren't looking that great. She said that he hasn't said yes or no, and that they will give me 60 days notice so that I have plenty of time to find something else. I hated reminding her that 60 days from now is December 8th - which is pretty much exactly a year to the day when the girl went on maternity. I was told that they would talk about it after a big meeting they are having out of the country next week. So in two weeks I should know my fate.

I've had a sinking feeling ever since but I'm glad that I finally know. It just means that all the work the agents are going to put in to find us houses, could all be wasted as our house hunt is going to be on hold until I get hired somewhere permanently. But hey - a lot can change in two months right? I could win the lottery! Wouldn't that be a riot!

I even have the lottery that I want to win already on the go - $25,000 towards a downpayment on a house. Draw date is this weekend - and the money needs to be used within 30 days. We could do that right? Downpayment like that is a full years salary to some. It would make our payments much more livable and I even have the house in mind. It's a cute little bungalow with a finished basement, good sized backyard and a killer kitchen. Oh yes - it would be mine...

I will be okay everyone. No need to worry. I knew going in that this job was a contract and there were no promises. Everything happens for a reasons - one door is closing now but that just means that I'm going to have another one open.

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