Wednesday, 21 April 2010

To Knit a Bridge

The Cambridge Arts Council has come up with a really awesome activity that is letting anyone in Cambridge get involved.

We are going to knit a bridge.

You read that right - knitting a bridge. Cambridge is known for some really awesome bridges. It was built around the Nith and the Grand and founded mainly as three different communities. I wrote about them here. Galt and Hespeler were strong textile communities. We harnessed the power of the river and turned it into wonderful fabrics that became known around the world. This fall we get to bring the textiles back to Cambridge.

Cambridge is a really unique community. We have lots of people of all walks of life and interests and this allows some of these niche communities to come out of hiding. Knitting generally is done in private or in small groups right? People who knit are normally older - grandmotherly types don't you think? Well those stereotypes are being blown out of the water with this project.

The young and old are coming out of hiding. They are knitting at the library, in parks and in the mall. They are taking it with them to dinner out or to sporting events. I myself even was found knitting as a passenger in the car tonight. I've found out about a few male knitters who do some absolutely fabulous work.

You may recall that back in January I started to knit again after a 16 year hiatus and blogged about it here. I did touch on the Knit the Bride project but had some incorrect information that I'd like to clear up now. Sure everything can be found on the website but why not share it in more than one location?

How can you contribute?

Knitted pieces of any size will be accepted but at the moment the preference is for:
1. Pieces 21" x 27" to cover the 267 handrails on the bridge
2. Pieces 6" x 8" wide by 50"-60" long to over 303 handrail spaces
3. Pieces as long as you like that are 8", 10" or 22" wide
4. Pieces 30" wide, minimum 12" long, maximum 4 ft long to cover columns

You may use any type of yarn, pattern colour and knitting technique you wish.
Drop off the pieces at the front desk of the Cambridge Centre for the Arts on Dickson Street in Cambridge and don't forget to attach a piece of paper to the knitting with your name, address,phone number and email.

Don't think that your worthy of knitting something? Think again - they are willing to take any knitting or crocheting from all kinds of talent.

What is the deadline for submissions? In order to lay out what is needed, all the pieces need to be brought in by the end of June if possible.

When can we see the finished project? The knitting will be on the bridge from September 9th to 30th.

Wait -that's less than a month - what is going to happen at the end of the month with all that work? The knitters and volunteers are taking the pieces and turning them into scarves and blankets for local homeless shelters.

Are there any other knitting activities I can get involved in? Yes - Worldwide Knit in Public Week is June 12-20th. In Cambridge knitters and crocheters have been invited to come out front of Cambridge City Hall anytime between 8am-Noon on Saturday June 19th. It's going to be a true Yarn Party!

So what are you waiting for - grab your yarn and your needles and get cracking!

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