Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Three more book reviews

As I mentioned, I've been on a reading kick. This is beneficial for me completing my challenge of #26in2011. With the latest three books, I'm up to book 13. Pretty awesome considering this Friday is Friday the 13th. It's also my best friend Kristina's birthday so all in all, 13 is a lucky number.

The first of the three books is one of those fun mindless reads. It was just what I needed after the heavy blow I was given last week. I needed something that I could just read and enjoy and not really think. It was a good book. Part of a series so it didn't have to go too in depth into the secondary characters. The book is titled "deeply, desperately" by Heather Webber. It's sexy, it's fun. It's easy. It's a Lucy Valentine novel. :) Honestly, I would recommend it if you don't want anything too heavy.

The second book was beautiful in the words and the setting. "Gardens of Delight" by Erica James. Starting in the gardens of England and moving to the beautiful gardens in Italy, it was a good read. Not so deep, but still a little deeper than the first book in this review. I enjoyed it. My heart was involved with the characters and I found myself really torn about the way things were handled. Beautiful setting, but drew on some difficult topics. I found that my opinions on certain things going on around me were muddled in with the book. I won't go into detail, but know that this a fairly good read. Lucky for you, it will be back at the library soon as I need to return it. ;)

The third book was chosen as completely out of my normal reading type. "The Third Circle" by Amanda Quick. Based in Victorian England, the book bases around fantastical antiquities and people with special abilities and powers. From reading auras, to hypnosis and reading crystals, the characters in this book are passionately twisted. the language was a little off of my every day vocabulary, and it isn't really a time I've read too much about. But it was a good book. There was just enough sex and just enough intrigue. Evil characters when only the good can prevail. Heart racing, you will find that you want to see how everything ends. Lucky for you, even when it ends you will be happy to know that it's part of the Arcane Society Novel's. There are many more in the series.

And with that, I'm not sure where my books will go. Only 13 books left to go and just over 6 months to do it. Do you think I can be successful in my quest to read 26 books in 52 weeks?

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