Sunday 2 March 2008

Beans Update

My changing of Beans cage yesterday led James to be sparked into changing her cage once again. The picture above demonstrates everything being taken apart. The picture below was how it all ended last night with a really long telescopic room for her to spend some time. Beans decided to go and eat her cage rather than play in it - as you can see by this next picture. It is what sparked James to change it one last time before the end of the day to the following picture. Yesterday was so much fun that I decided to get more curves, and another t-bar for today. All of that was responsible for the craziness that ensued...
With The cage set up, I decided to track down my little pumpkin - she was caught on the rug in the bathroom in her ball and was dying to get out.Because she looked so cute and so eager, I decided to let her check it out. She sure looks like she likes it!I'm sure this won't be the last change, but I'm sure glad that we were able to bring out her fun crazy party side!

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